We are aware of our five physical senses, touch, taste, sight, hearing and smell, which give us information about the world around us and how to manage situations through the experience. However, we each have another layer of senses, which give us information from our inner world and not least of these is our intuition.
Intuition is our access to knowing understanding and trusting information without conscious reasoning or external validation. It is often referred to as our inner voice through which we can communicate with the guidance and knowing of our soul, giving us a greater perspective of our true and unique self.
Development of our intuition can help to –
- be more confident in our decision making
- peel back the layers that block our true nature
- receive spiritual guidance from our own knowing
- identify our soul’s journey and purpose
- gain greater alignment with our authenticity and truth
- develop a stronger trust in our instinctual insights
What will I discover in this course?
- Understand different types of messages
- Energy boundaries – Chakras and Aura
- Personal energy protection techniques
- Connecting to the spirit realm
- Receiving messages from and for inner guidance
- Symbolism in messages and dreams
- Clearing negative energy
- Tools to enhance awareness – sound, cards, crystals, colour
- Practical exercises in working with others
- Support from trainer/medium/psychic
- Certification of completion of Level 1 Foundation in Intuitive Development
On Completion:
You will be able to practice on family and friends
You will have a deeper understanding of your innate self and increased awareness of your ability to hear your internal messages and spirit guidance.
You will have a solid foundation of information and intuitve confidence to enroll onto Intuitive Development Practitioner Level 2, to progress towards becoming a professional reader/psychic.
Delivery: 10 x 2-hour classes
Facilitator: Anthony Kilner
Also available: Intuitive Development Level 2
Delivered by The Oak Tree Organisation Australia,
a Premium Training Provider accredited by IICT