Mediumship Development Level 2 Intermediate

Throughout Mediumship Development Level 2, Anthony helps enhance the student’s ability to sustain the higher frequencies required, to receive detailed messages or impressions and pass them on to recipients.

The word Psychic means ‘of the soul’ in the Greek language, so sustained connection to the frequency of the soul can present a challenge. However, when achieved that ‘soul voice’ gives profound guidance.  It is necessary to tune out the distractions of the day and practice focus through daily practice of meditation, journaling or even a walk in mindfulness.  This all helps to enhance inner knowing and the ability to receive and understand the messages given.   They are often given as pictures or emotions, so it is important to understand this fascinating ’language’.

What areas does Mediumship Development Level 2 cover?
  • Discipline in Mediumship
  • Deepening the connection
  • Platform Mediumship/individual readingsPublic speaking
  • Effective and ethical delivery of messages
  • Problem solving – loss of connection
  • Ethics of mediumship – boundaries, empathy, equality
  • Practical mediumship


  • 10 x 3-hour sessions
  • Practical demonstration to invited guests
  • Plus home study, practice, feedback and journaling
  • Continued development of own manual of experience

Facilitator:    Anthony Kilner

On completion: